The Making of Sophie la Girafe
The making of Sophie la Girafe has remained consistent since her birth on May 25th, 1961 to ensure parents know exactly what they are giving their ...
The making of Sophie la Girafe has remained consistent since her birth on May 25th, 1961 to ensure parents know exactly what they are giving their ...
In just the past 30 years, the giraffe population has declined by 40% around the globe. By 2016, the species was labeled as “vulnerable” and two years later several subspecies were reevaluated to find many of were considered “endangered."
Tips for instilling a love for books to your kids. We at Calisson Toys care about your child's well-being in more ways than one. We are committed t...
Steve and I are so happy that you have decided to join the Calisson Toys family. 2021 is a massive year for us, and we hope that you will like all...
Calisson Toys is the house of three brands: Calisson Little Royals, Pamplemousse and Sophie la girafe.